Modular Custom Robotic Solutions
A Groundbreaking Robotics Platform.
A World Class Team of Roboticists.
Some of Our Partners
The Power of the Platform
Changing the way robots are made.
Created to streamline and simplify robot development, our platform makes it possible to create in days or weeks what would otherwise take months or years. The platform includes smart robotics actuators and standardized building blocks that make it easy to create your physical robot, and cross platform development tools that take the complexity out of making your robot move.
Let's Build the Future
from Prototype to Production
Have an automation challenge that current robots can’t solve? We can help. Armed with our versatile platform, HEBI's team of world-class roboticists can help your robotics group build a better bot.

HEBI's vision for the future is to put robot development in the hands of subject matter experts. A future where robot components can be used to create an easily deployed robot to solve one problem today, and a completely different problem tomorrow. One where robot building blocks are just another tool in the toolbox of the technician, the construction worker, the soldier, the space explorer, or anyone that would benefit from automation.